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West Herriman

The Jordan Board of Education has approved construction of a new elementary school in west Herriman. It is anticipated that this school will open at the start of the 2022-23 school year. The Board has directed that boundaries for the new school be approved before groundbreaking and construction. Schools impacted by this change will include Bastian Elementary, Silver Crest Elementary, Herriman Elementary, and Butterfield Canyon Elementary.

Boundary Option Video | Option Comparison Slider Map | Building Capacity and Current Enrollment | Projected Enrollment

Boundary Option Video

Option Comparison Slider Map

Building Capacity and Current Enrollment

Building Capacity Current Enrollment
Bastian Elementary 1000 969
Butterfield Canyon Elementary 1100 917
New West Herriman Elementary 875 (projected)
Herriman Elementary 975 950
Silver Crest Elementary 1138 958

Projected Enrollment

The table below shows the projected enrollment for all affected schools if no new elementary were to be constructed.

2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27
Bastian 1166 1375 1593 1953 2174 2336
Butterfield Canyon 977 1015 1048 1073 1084 1135
Herriman 799 795 793 774 753 761
Silver Crest 1045 1063 1084 1070 1063 1067

These tables show the projected change in enrollment for the new West Herriman Elementary and all affected schools under both Option A and Option B.

Option A 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27
Bastian 1166 644 664 665 671 691
Butterfield Canyon 977 1015 1047 1073 1084 1135
New West Herriman Under Construction 497 574 731 874 1016
Herriman 799 544 533 510 492 496
Silver Crest 1045 987 1010 995 991 988
Option B 2021-22 2022-23 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27
Bastian 1166 644 664 665 671 691
Butterfield Canyon 977 889 925 954 974 1022
New West Herriman Under Construction 592 667 822 959 1107
Herriman 799 633 623 597 577 581
Silver Crest 1045 928 951 935 931 925

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